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DIVERSE STORY SHOWCASE (Submissions Open September 30, 2024)

Film Freeway Submission Button - Click to enter at

The Diverse Story Showcase recognizes scripts, books, short stories, & stage plays in any genre that feature a story with diverse elements (such as a lead character from, or story about, an under-represented community).

"Under-represented" may include race, gender, sexual orientation, religious group, political affiliation, or physical or mental challenges.

Year: 2025 | Season: 9 | Award: $3,500

SUBMISSIONS OPEN: September 30, 2024
Quick Deadline ($45): October 10, 2024
Early Deadline ($55): November 18, 2024
Regular Deadline ($65): December 23, 2024
Late Deadline ($75): January 27, 2025
Final Deadline ($85): February 24, 2025
All deadlines 11:59 pm Pacific Time

Winner & Official Selections announced by: May 31, 2025

* One (1) Winner will receive a $3,500 cash prize.
* Official Selections receive a laurel and a listing on the website.

Story Showcases are conducted exclusively online.

For more information on submission requirements, and answers to FAQs, see the dropdown tabs on this page.

Submissions are accepted via

DIVERSE STORY SHOWCASE (Submissions Open September 30, 2024)
DIVERSE STORY SHOWCASE (Submissions Open September 30, 2024) Sale price$45.00

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Dave Stockwell
Immensely Important Competition

It was an honor for Ash to be selected in Diversity Showcase's immensely important competition.

Ignacio Trujillo
Thank You For the Honor

Thank you for the honor of being a part of the Diversity Showcase. I hope you enjoy my documentary and it is useful for the viewers.

Alexandre de Villeneuve
Encouraging Diversity

Thank you for promoting and encouraging diversity.

Marcia McNair

It's great to participate in a film festival that emphasizes diversity.

Sai Saripella
Should have known better

I guess I should've known better, they truly did the exact bare minimum described in the prizes section. My biggest takeaway is how stupid I am for not making my own script contest, slapping diversity or some other buzzword on it, and marketing it all over the online writing community. I bet I could make some killer cash and I wouldn't really even have to read any of the scripts or contact any of the outsiders/losers naive enough to spend money on small time showcases like this.

Dear Sai,

I am sorry to learn you feel you had a negative experience being named a winner and official selection in the Diversity Film & Script Showcase. I welcome critical feedback that allows us to address specific concerns writers and filmmakers may have with the competition so we may continue to improve everyone's experience.

It's surprising to receive a 2-star review for the single issue you state, which is that no one reached out to you personally about your placement in the showcase, especially since you did not raise that concern when one of our team members engaged with you privately. Every entrant who submits through Film Freeway is notified about placement through the Film Freeway platform, and also receives ongoing communication directly from Ink & Cinema (unless they choose to opt-out).

While I sense your frustration about disreputable competitions that may exist, the accusations in your review have no connection to the Diversity Film & Script Showcase. Ink & Cinema, along with providing free resources for writers & filmmakers, organizes legitimate niche competitions to showcase scripts and films that may not otherwise receive recognition. The showcase is going into its 5th year and, like the other competitions we sponsor, receives many positive reviews from submitters.

Many writers value including their winner or official selection laurel when pitching their scripts to producers, executives and managers - specifically because of the fact that we run 'small showcases' that focus on niche stories and genres. While we do not provide the cache of a 'big-name competition' placement, our showcases do provide the benefit of being identified as one of the best-of-the-best within a specific niche (identifying the best diversity scripts out of exclusively diversity script submissions lends validity to the recognition).

We honor every item stated in the entry form. Rest-assured all scripts are read, and every film is viewed. The competition is not marketed anywhere, and certainly not 'all over the online writing community' (the opportunity to submit is offered exclusively to the Ink & Cinema community, and we list the competition only on Film Freeway and our website).

I have reached out to you personally should you wish to discuss this further, and to discover what your specific expectations of the competition are and if I may be able to assist you.